Resident data ends at 3578, program starts at 3578, file ends at 122c8 Starting analysis pass at address 3575 End of analysis pass, low address = 3578, high address = 1023c [Start of text] S001: "NIGHT AT THE COMPUTER CENTER" S002: " An Interactive Nocturnal Chase Copyright (c) 1996 by bonni mierzejewska. " S003: "951024" S004: "5/12" S005: "a" S006: "You can't go that way." S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "the" S014: "the" S015: "the" S016: "the" S017: "the" S018: "the" S019: "Darkness" S020: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S021: "As good-looking as ever." S022: "Nameless item" S023: "your former self" S024: "I'm sorry, but the comments are unprintable." S025: "An Owlet-Picker V Laser Printer, sitting on an ordinary table." S026: "icons" S027: "It's an icon. You click on it." S028: "an" S029: "an" S030: "an" S031: "an" S032: "the" S033: "It looks like any other Microsoft mouse." S034: "an" S035: "The book is a manual for a programming language called UGGS - Universal Game Generation System. You've been writing that interactive fiction game with UGGS." S036: "This is the north end of the third floor of Hodges Hall. To the southwest is the entrance to the Computer Site, and to the east are stairs up to the fourth floor. Stairs down to lower floors are to the west." S037: "fountain" S038: "Let's not. Only astronomers live up there." S039: "Let's not. Only astronomers live up there." S040: "To one side, a water fountain hums quietly." S041: "It's an ordinary water fountain, such as is found in numberless institutions across the US." S042: "You're in the north stairwell. Stairs lead down. There is a door to the east." S043: "Let's not. Only astronomers live up there." S044: "You're in the middle of a long north-south hallway in Hodges Hall. You can go east here as well as north or south." S045: "You're in a short east-west hall off the main hall. You can see an elevator here." S046: "You know, ugly grey, doors meet in the middle, etc." S047: "There's a sign on the elevator." S048: "The sign reads: OUT OF ORDER." S049: "You see a box mounted on the wall in one corner." S050: "You see an open box mounted on the wall in one corner." S051: "You're at the south end of a long north-south hallway in Hodges Hall. To the west you see stairs leading down." S052: "You're in the south stairwell. Stairs lead up and down. There is a door to the east." S053: "Let's not. Only astronomers live up there." S054: "You're in the north stairwell. Stairs lead up and down. There is a door to the east." S055: "You're at the north end of a long north/south hall, outside the Physics Office. You hear a faint humming. There are stairs to the west." S056: "There's really not much to be seen other than the door." S057: "It has a sign, reading: Radiation Hazard Laser Light Hazard Nuclear Fusion Hazard Undergraduate advisor: 2nd door on right. Other than that, it's perfectly all right, except for the doorknob." S058: "It looks like a doorknob. It's humming softly." S059: "You're in the middle of a long north/south hall. You can go east here as well as north or south." S060: "fountain" S061: "You're in a short east-west hall off the main hall. You can see an elevator here. To the east, down the hall, you can see large double doors leading to the outside." S062: "You know, ugly grey, doors meet in the middle, etc." S063: "There's a sign on the elevator." S064: "The sign reads: OUT OF ORDER." S065: "You're at the east end of a short east-west hall off the main hall. There are large double doors here, leading to the outside (locked, at this time of night)." S066: "They look just like large double doors!" S067: "You're at the south end of a long north-south hallway. To the west you see stairs leading up and down." S068: "You're in the south stairwell. Stairs lead up and down. There is a door to the east." S069: "You're in the north stairwell. Stairs lead up, and dark, foreboding stairs lead down. There is a door to the east." S070: "Let's not. Only geologists live down there." S071: "You're at the north end of a long hall on the first floor of Hodges. There are stairs to the west." S072: "fountain" S073: "To one side, a water fountain hums quietly." S074: "It's an ordinary water fountain, such as is found in numberless institutions across the US." S075: "You're in the middle of a long north/south hall. You can go east here as well as north or south." S076: "You're in a short east-west hall off the main hall. You can see an elevator here. (They forgot the sign, but it's still out of order.)" S077: "It's just an ordinary door." S078: "You know, ugly grey, doors meet in the middle, etc." S079: "Boy, what a mess. Buckets, pails, gigantic mops, dust cloths, brooms, cleaning solutions, etc. etc. etc., are scattered about with no semblance of order. It rather resembles your apartment (the level of organization, not the contents). You manage to squeeze into it. After a few moments of looking, you think you hear something on the other side of the south wall." S080: "You're at the south end of a long north-south hallway. To the west you see stairs leading up and down. To the east is a door leading into a lab." S081: "The lab door is open." S082: "The lab door is closed." S083: "A sizeable room, with all the characteristics of a student lab. Long, waist-high tables with black tops and sinks, cupboards along the walls containing all manner of arcane bottles and jars, mysterious equipment on shelves around the perimeter of the room. Nearby you see a 55-gallon aquarium containing a large red fish. Next to the aquarium is one of those mysterious pieces of equipment, a black box with three buttons." S084: "It says: Herring Aid Lab." S085: "A rectangle made of plexiglass, about a meter long and roughly less than half that thick. It contains a large red fish, as well as some sort of box-ish looking thing half buried in the gravel. Next to the aquarium lies a smallish black box with three buttons." S086: "It's aquarium gravel." S087: "A smallish box, black in colour, with three buttons on top: white, blue, and green, from left to right." S088: "It reads: Acme Red Herring." S089: "It's a small white button on the black box." S090: "It's a small blue button on the black box." S091: "It's a small green button on the black box." S092: "At first glance, you thought it was a red oscar, but it's rather too red for that. What kind of fish it might be is tickling the back of your memory...." S093: "You're in the south stairwell. Stairs lead up, and dark, foreboding stairs lead down. There is a door to the east." S094: "Let's not. Only geologists live down there." S095: "Getting claustrophobic, are we?" S096: "Dead end." S097: "You are in a small room, lit only by a bare 40-watt light bulb hanging from the ceiling. The floor is littered with paper listings and several copies of "Spelunker Today." On a table you see a very disreputable-looking IBM PC clone... and the missing Owlet-Picker V printer!" S098: "On the listings you see intriguing bits of code, but the gnome won't let you close enough to them to make anything out." S099: "They look familiar somehow, like you've seen them before somewhere, but you're at your wits' end trying to decide where...." S100: "some" S101: "It looks just like the one on your desk in the Computer Center. Hmm...." S102: "It looks just like the printer table in the Computer Center. Hmm..." S103: "In a corner, there's a boombox playing the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, by J.S. Bach." S104: "It looks like a regular boombox, playing Bach." S105: "the" S106: "An Owlet-Picker V laser printer." S107: "nowhere" S108: "Mouse /mauz/ n, pl mice /mis/, any of many small, scampering rodents, particularly the house mouse (Mus musculus), family Muridae (order Rodentia)." S109: "There's a sign on the wall near the entrance." S110: "It reads: W - W - W - E - E - W - U Perhaps the gnome is forgetful?" S111: "A wizened brown figure, almost exactly unlike any you've ever seen in the movies. His button-down shirt sports a pocket protector holding a variety of pens, he has Coke-bottle glasses with thick black rims, and his eyes have the look only gained from consuming four liters of Jolt Cola." S112: "the" S113: ""The Inform Designer's Manual" by Graham Nelson, Second edition, 23 October 1995... The latest issue!" S114: "The message reads: "Cute game. I fixed the errors on lines 23, 114, 304, 735 and 982. If you want my opinion, though, I'd say keep your day job. [signed] Polygrenthus Q. Gnome"" S115: "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a geologist." S116: "Sinister, foreboding darkness" S117: "Relax. It's really not" S118: "much of a maze." S119: " For amusement, try any or all of the following: Touch the Physics Office doorknob. Touch it again. Bump around in the maze without the flashlight. Drop the stolen printer after retrieving it. " S120: "Amusing Things to Do" S121: "Touch the Physics Office doorknob." S122: "Touch it again." S123: "Bump around in the maze" S124: "Drop the printer" S125: "Hints" S126: "Where'd the printer go?" S127: "The shadowy figure could only go down..." S128: "Have you thoroughly searched the first floor?" S129: "There's an interesting door there..." S130: "Enter the janitor's closet and LISTEN." S131: "What do I do next?" S132: "The owner of the grumbling voice in the janitor's closet has the stolen printer, but the entrance to his location isn't on the first floor..." S133: "Try wandering around on the second floor." S134: "See the next section of hints for more info on what to do on the second floor." S135: "What do I do in the lab?" S136: "Have you noticed the black box?" S137: "Have you tried pushing the buttons on the black box?" S138: "Don't reveal any more hints unless you've found the wrench." S139: "The wrench is under the lab tables." S140: "OPEN AQUARIUM WITH WRENCH" S141: "GET FISH" S142: "X FISH" S143: "It's a red herring." S144: "So is the hint about the wrench." S145: "The halls of learning" S146: "Something's different on the second floor..." S147: "Check out strange noises..." S148: "It wasn't the humming doorknob!" S149: "(If you haven't tried the doorknob, check it out... but be sure to save first!)" S150: "Isn't the description of the water fountain on the second floor a little different?" S151: "MOVE THE FOUNTAIN." S152: "OPEN THE PANEL" S153: "GO DOWN (twice)" S154: "Kind of dark down there, isn't it?" S155: "See the next section of hints for more info on what to do about the darkness." S156: "The light and the dark." S157: "Search the third floor..." S158: "See that box?" S159: "SEARCH the red box." S160: "GET the flashlight (our UK friends may call it a TORCH)." S161: "As a convenience, you may activate or deactivate the flashlight by typing just ON or OFF." S162: "Of mice and men" S163: "Stuck in the maze? Help comes to those who wait..." S164: "The mouse really *does* seem to know where it's going..." S165: "Don't get violent! You might scare the poor little thing away forever!" S166: "Just FOLLOW the mouse and your path is easy." S167: "Reversing direction" S168: "The mouse only leads you one way, TOWARD the gnome's lair." S169: "But the gnome is forgetful..." S170: "The gnome has posted the directions out of the maze by the exit." S171: "The directions out of the maze are: W - W - W - E - E - W - U" S172: "Now what?" S173: "The gnome needs a copy of the Inform Designer's Manual." S174: "You have a way of getting him one." S175: "Go back to the Computer Center and follow the directions in the next set of hints." S176: "Manual labor" S177: "Have you checked out the computer on your desk?" S178: "Look at all those icons. I wonder what the (computer) mouse can do with them?" S179: "First you have to get the ftp client running..." S180: "Then you need to pick the ftp site to open..." S181: "Then you need to download the file..." S182: "Then you need to print it off. Voila!" S183: "Okay, here's the exact sequence:" S184: "CLICK ON FTP" S185: "CLICK ON IF ARCHIVE" S186: "CLICK ON DESIGNERS_MANUAL" S187: "CLICK ON LPR" S188: "There is help available on the following: General Instructions Hints Acknowledgments " S189: "About Night at the Computer Center" S190: "General Instructions" S191: "Hints" S192: "Acknowledgments" [End of text] [End of file]